
This category focuses on leadership competencies that build capacity, improve performance and enhance the quality of the working environment. They also enable organizations and communities to create, communicate and apply shared visions, missions, and values.


  • Describe the mission and priorities of the public health organization where one works, and apply them in practice.
  • Contribute to developing key values and a shared vision in planning and implementing public health programs and policies in the community.
  • Utilize public health ethics to manage self, others, information and resources.
  • Contribute to team and organizational learning in order to advance public health goals.
  • Contribute to maintaining organizational performance standards.
  • Demonstrate an ability to build community capacity by sharing knowledge, tools, expertise, and experience.

Describe the Mission and Priorities of the Public Health Organisation where One Works, and Apply them in Practice

Contribute to Developing Key Values and a Shared Vision in Planning and Implementing Public Health Programs and Policies in the Community

  • Capitalizing on change. Building leadership competency in public health in Quebec This is a case study of one region in Quebec that implemented a population health approach into their health services work. National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health.
  • INSPQ Competency Frameworks for Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Prevention and Health Promotion that provide common language, approach and competencies related to public health that all professionals on a multidisciplinary team are expected to develop to optimize the success of interventions. Institut national de santé publique Québec.
  • Fostering leadership in public health through mentoring. A program resource guide The intent of this guide is to assist organizations working in health to improve leadership capacity by providing resources and curriculum to help in the development and implementation of mentoring programs. Toronto Public Health, Algoma Public Health & Association of Public Health Nursing Management & Ontario Public Health Association.

Utilize Public Health Ethics to Manage Self, Others, Information and Resources

Contribute to Team and Organisational Learning in Order to Advance Public Health Goals

  • Fostering leadership in public health through mentoring. A program resource guide The intent of this guide is to assist organizations working in health to improve leadership capacity by providing resources and curriculum to help in the development and implementation of mentoring programs. Toronto Public Health, Algoma Public Health & Association of Public Health Nursing Management & Ontario Public Health Association.

Contribute to Maintaining Organisational Performance Standards

Demonstrate the Ability to Build Community Capacity by Sharing Knowledge, Tools, Expertise and Experience