Oral Health

“Oral health is a state of the oral and related tissues and structures that contribute positively to physical, mental and social well-being and the enjoyment of life’s possibilities, by allowing the individual to speak, eat and socialize unhindered by pain, discomfort or embarrassment”

Canadian Dental Association

What you will find

These resources provide information to help you plan programs that promote oral health and prevent oral disease. For more information, please visit the Best Practices section for interventions related to oral health promotion.


A first step to planning programs that promote oral health and prevent oral disease is to understand the issues of oral health through surveillance.

Canadian Data

Aboriginal Data

Provincial/Territorial Data



International Data



New Zealand

United Kingdom

United States

World Health Organization (WHO)

Government Strategies (Frameworks, Action Plans, etc.)

Canadian Strategies

Aboriginal Strategies

Provincial/Territorial Strategies

Northwest Territories



  • Plan d’action de santé dentaire publique 2005-12 (PDF document) (French only). An action plan to support the initiation of preventative activities aimed at maintaining and improving the oral health of children in the general public at the national, regional and local level. Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec.

International Strategies



United States

World Health Organization


Canadian Guidance

Provincial/Territorial Guidance

British Colombia


Ontario public health standards and protocols: Includes four oral health protocols – Minister of Health and Long term Care (2008):

Ontario Public Health Guidance Documents – Ministry of Health Promotion:


International Guidance




  • Les moyens de prévention efficaces (French only). Identifies effective strategies to prevent cavities for children before the age of three, the elderly and a report on drinking water fluoridation in France. Direction Générale de la Santé (2009).

New Zealand

United Kingdom

United States

World Health Organization (WHO)

Systematic Reviews of the Research

Selected reviews from HealthEvidence.org:

Search more systematic reviews.